We Understand the Government Sector
Agency heads and technology leaders are looking for ways to transform their agency or department and address a range of operational challenges including the following:
- Developing a mobility strategy (stakeholder engagement, B2E enablement)
- Addressing the BYOD trend
- Improving interoperability between ERP, workflow and reporting systems for greater visibility
- Leveraging cloud technologies for greater flexibility and cost savings while meeting regulatory and compliance requirements
- Modernizing legacy systems for greater agility
We can help you navigate these and other software challenges and develop strategies to overcome them.
We Enable Organizational Transformation
We provide strategic guidance to agency leaders and their IT staffs to ensure they have the appropriate government software portfolio to meet their agency or departmental objectives. This even includes strategies for modernizing legacy applications, developing new applications, integrating digital touch points to back office systems, and enabling stakeholder insights and analytics.
We also design and develop those government software applications across a variety of categories: enterprise, cloud, mobile and analytics/BI.
Below are examples of recent Qubiteq projects:
- State of Texas: We built the Juvenile Case Management System that serves every county in the state. The system was delivered in .Net using Agile methodologies and required both new application development and conversion of four separate component applications: two mainframe applications, one Windows desktop application, and one in asp.net.
- State of Texas/Prosecutor System: We built a web-based application that facilitates the business activities of the County Attorney and District Attorney offices across Texas. The new system allowed those in custody to be processed more efficiently, reducing jail holding time from 30 days to 11 days for 7,000 annual cases at a cost of $65/day/case.